Friday, October 1, 2010

Peince Edward Island (10/01/2010)

Today marked the 100th day we've been on the road with our motor home since we purchased it last October.

The day got off with promising start when we awoke to sunshine breaking over Fundy Bay.
It was the first morning sun we'd seen in more than a week.

The drive to Prince Edward Island was uneventful; although the wind was quite strong and periodically buffeted our RV, particularly on the open highway.

After crossing the 8-mile long Confederation Bridge
(the world's longest free-standing bridge over ice-covered water) onto PEI, we noticed a change in scenery.  Everything seemed to be greener, even the lawns of the most modest homes.
When entering PEI, it appeared that the island was quite flat. However crossing its mid-section we found ourselves on a roller coaster going up one ridge and down the next,
 most through farm country.

Much of the Island's economy is based on farming, as it has for generations.


soybeans, corn and hay are the major crops.

We also quickly discovered how friendly the people are.  From a gas station attendant to a farmer we met along a bike path winding its way through fields in Cavendish National Park, folks wanted to talk and appeared genuinely interested in us.

After taking a quick tour of North Rustico's harbor
 and driving along the Gulf Shore Parkway (bordering the Gulf of St. Lawrence)

we arrived in Cavendish for a tour of Green Gables, made famous by Lucy Maud Montgomery's, author of "Anne of Green Gables"

We also walked the nature trail on adjoining land which Montgomery loved as a child and adult and from which she gained inspiration for her writing.
Finally, we biked the Homestead Trail in Cavendish National Park, which wound through fir forests where the scent was so strong as to evoke memories of Christmas, around fields of soy beans, large tracts of hay being cut

and over salt marshes abutting the Gulf of St. Lawrence

and home to abundant wildlife, including great blue herons.

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