Saturday, October 9, 2010

Peggy's Cove and Halifax, Nova Scotia (10/09/2010)

Driving the coastal road toward Halifax, we first passed the fishing village of Indian Harbor.

A short time later we unexpectedly came across a memorial to the victims of the crash of Swiss Air 111 which went down on September 2, 1998.  The face of the left-side rock monument in the photo provides a direct bearing to the actual site of the crash.

Our next stop was Peggy's Cove (population 46), perhaps the most scenic inhabited spot we've seen on this trip;

and home to the most photographed lighthouse in Canada.

 In addition, it's shoreline is presents spectacular views ...

and the Fisherman's Monument.

We then detoured to Terence Bay to visit another memorial, this one to the 562 men, women and children  lost when the White Star Line luxury vessel SS Atlantic sank 

Arriving in Halifax, we parked the car and began a self-guided walking tour.  While the core city and sights are relatively close together, the city is on a hill.

The Citadel,
an 18th and 19th century British fortress with steep masonry walls and surrounded by a ditch up to 30 deep.  It was constructed over 25 years as the heart of the British defenses of Halifax's harbor (the world's second largest natural harbor) against threats from the French and United States.

Another not-to-be-missed place is the public garden.

Halifax also has a clock tower, courtesy of the son of George III of England,

as well as a number of churches with dramatic steeples,

naval and commercial ships from past years and

one vessel known to many children around the world.

We ended the day with an early dinner at

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