Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Bedford, NH (09/20-23/2010)

Monday, Debbie and I got caught up on  some work while Taylor at school and Jake at preschool.  However, that evening was all play!

Nancy, Jason and Taylor left at the crack of dawn on Tuesday.  Over the course of the day, Nancy did email some pictures Taylor's first day - 5 hour IVIG (intravenous immunogloulin) treatment to, hopefully, help cure her PANDAS (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal infections).

Even her bear had an IV!.

We had a great evening Jake.

Wednesday morning we talked with Nancy and Taylor had a good night.  After dropping Jake at preschool, I drove around the area, both taking some fall foliage pictures

and through some of the residential subdivisions I did while in the real estate development business between 1984-1994.

Taylor's second treatment day was shorter than anticipated and she and parents got home before dinner.

As Taylor asked us to stay for her first grade back-to-school night on Thursday, we stayed an extra day in New Hampshire and will be leaving for Maine on Friday morning.

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