Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Acadia National Park and Cadillac Mountain (09/27/2010)

Our hopes for a clear day were short-lived.  Again, the skies were gray and overcast.  However we set off to drive the Park's Loop Road.  One of the highlights was to be Thunder Hole ... which was advertised in the brochures as (not our photo)

at high tide.  We arrived just minutes for for that time only to read a sign which indicated that the best viewing for the spray and "thunder" was about mid-tide.  So, while we missed the most spectacular display, we still saw some pretty amazing waves breaking on the rocks just off shore.

The roads remained trimmed in fall colors

that is until we drive up Cadillac Mountain, where the sun first touches the US each day.
At the summit the wind was blowing hard and the visibility was down to no more than 50 feet!

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